Saturday, September 18, 2010

"The Perfect Thing"

1. The article "The Perfect Thing" illustrates the process Jobs used to produce what he believed to be the "Perfect Thing." He started the process with an idea, "an mp3 player that would work with Apple's iTunes and would not suck". Fadell, the expertise behind the desigining and constructing of the perfect thing, decided what was needed to exceed the popular Toshiba and outdo the tasks of the Toshiba. He and Stan Ng came up with a solution to design a "in your pocket" size mp3 with a greater song cpapcity. Next, they began to make model of an Apple mp3 player. They went through trials of error trying to get the design to an ideal size and shape.Eventually they found the right design solution with  help of Shiller"s idea and Jobs approval. The team started developing the mechanics of the device, producing large numbers, and marketing the iPods.

2. The factors I would used to evaluate "The Perfect Thing" would be the audio performance, physical apperance, battery life, durablility, and storage capacity.

3. As an owner of an iPod, I feel like this product was a huge impact on the industry. Not just because of its physical apperance, but for its portable nature(being able to listen to it practically everywhere), the reasonable battery life, its versatility( you can upload pictures. play games, listen to music, watch movies and etc.), and the numerous accessories available for the iPod. However, the iPod is expensive ( starting at $100) and the size makes them easily acceptable to damage.

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