The Egg Drop experiment wasn't a quick and easy task for me , considering I didn't have any experience with egg drop experimnets in previous school years.It took a couple of meetings before Joe and I were able to come up with a design that we could build out of the limiting supplies we owned. When Joe and I first met to discuss the how we were going to design the container, we talked about and wrote down ideas.We decided to use a cardboard box with a small closed container in the middle holding the egg in place and soft material to surround the egg. The idea of the box stayed the same but some components changed. We cut the box down to a smaller size and instead of the closed top container we used a Bigby's coffee cup.
Joe and I took a couple of days to build the design, because we decided to modify the design for a better survivorial rate.After we finish builing the egg container, we decided to decorate the box to make it appealing to the eye.Since we used black tape to piece the box together, we went for a black and orange "K College" theme.
Watching the egg containers fall from the second and third story was really fun, especially when watching the egg container made by my partner and I.Our egg container survived the fall from the second story but did not survive the fall from the third story. I was impressd by the fact that even though our egg cracked from the third fall the design on the outside didnt show any signs that the egg was broken. Our container did open from the impact of the first fall, which could have been a determining factor to why it didnt't last the second fall. Overall, I was pleased with the egg container's success rate but if I could design it all over again, I would add components from the other groups designs to make our egg container better.
To read my partner Joe Jones blog post about our Egg Drop experience visit his blog at
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