1. Of all the assigned readings, I found the readings from Norman to be the most interesting and rewarding. Norman's readings focused on the aspects and principles of design which made his readings more interesting because he was able to touch on topics that as a user you realize but never really express your thoughts in words. During the weeks of reading the chapters from Norman's book, I found myself paying close attention to a product's design and if it didn't function properly I would shake my head and say " bad design". I continue to do it to this very day.
2. The most important things I learned from seminar were the guidelines to a good presentation and ways of communicating. These are things I can use throughout my school year and throughtout life. I learned that a presentation shoud be clear and concise because the audience has to be able to follow along and understand the presentation. The audience shouldn't get confused.I also learned what not to put on a Powerpoint presentation. The idea was learned through experience and from seeing these Powerpoint presentation "DONTS" I am able to create a powerpoint that has the audience in mind. I also learned through dily class discussion, ways to communicate ideas to a group of people.
3. I can use what I learned in seminar to help me with Presentations in other classes or also presentation I'll be doing in the near future. I can use the communication techniques to help with group discussions or in any enviornment that I may have to commnicate my ideas.
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